About Us

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We begin with family secret ingredients in the kitchen

Through this website, our company wishes to provide a brief explanation of who we are and how we think and perform our work. Our company perceived that trust and support from the public is required for the success of our work and business. We invite you to get to know our company and product closer through this website. We believe the tale start from the kitchen.

Quote from: (Chairman)

We believe that food has its own story in the form that is present in your dish. The story itself starts from the kitchen which consists of many elements in it. The presence of the chefs and the ingredients available for processing becomes an interesting storyline that is told and becomes an interesting story to be enjoyed

Restaurant for your families and friends

Through this website, our company wishes to provide a brief explanation of who we are and how we think and perform our work. Our company perceived that trust and support from the public is required for the success of our work and business. We invite you to get to know our company and product closer through this website. We believe the tale start from the kitchen.

Quote from: (Chairman)

We believe that food has its own story in the form that is present in your dish. The story itself starts from the kitchen which consists of many elements in it. The presence of the chefs and the ingredients available for processing becomes an interesting storyline that is told and becomes an interesting story to be enjoyed

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Catering for any event celebration

Through this website, our company wishes to provide a brief explanation of who we are and how we think and perform our work. Our company perceived that trust and support from the public is required for the success of our work and business. We invite you to get to know our company and product closer through this website. We believe the tale start from the kitchen.

Quote from: (Chairman)

We believe that food has its own story in the form that is present in your dish. The story itself starts from the kitchen which consists of many elements in it. The presence of the chefs and the ingredients available for processing becomes an interesting storyline that is told and becomes an interesting story to be enjoyed.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Tempore odit consectetur aliquid quo asperiores perspiciatis ullam beatae.

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Stay up to Date

Ge updates directly from our kitchen and tables!

Chef DoeMaster Kitchen

Chef DoeFoodTale CEO

Chef DoeKitchen Director

Book a Table

Collectives, integrated and interactive

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Beatae labore asperiores illum eligendi! Accusantium, dolores quos.

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Canada Office

Jl. Iskandarsyah Raya No.1A, Melawai, South Jakarta City

Indonesia Office

Sentraya Building, Jakarta, 36 Floor.



08:00 - 22:00


09:00 - 23:00